Organic Buckwheat

From 5,49 $

Growing buckwheat seed is the perfect way to discover microgrowing. They are quick and easy to produce. Buckwheat micropods are popular for their unique flavor, crunchy texture and exceptional nutritional profile. Chez Germina, notre sarrasin est à écale et provient du Canada.

Prioritized technique: MICROGREENS

Saveur et couleur : strongGoût semblable à la laitue, acidulé et légèrement amer. The stem turns from white to pink, with beautiful green leaves.

Nutrient: High level of rutin (flavonoid), an excellent antioxidant rich in dietary fiber, vitamins (B-complex) and minerals (iron, magnesium and zinc).

Benefits: Promotes cardiovascular, digestive and immune health, while offering a gluten-free option. In micro-pods, the presence of fagopyrin, naturally present in buckwheat seed, is very low and should not cause any health problems.